a look back: slumber fun

So remember yesterday when I reacted to my first ever The 3 Best Friends Forever story? Yeah, I think it was kinda fun so I decided that I wanted to do it again! By the way do you like the brand new font? Me too! Alright, let's go to S.L.U.M.B.E.R. F.U.N.!

πŸ‘‰ Check out Slumber Fun HERE

Alright, so the first thing you need to know is how Slumber Fun is styled, with all the confusing dots and things. Well, I was about only 9 when I wrote this story and I thought dots would made my text cooler. Like, if I wrote down some random things like 'Olivia' it would be cool on caps and with dots in between...

O.L.I.V.I.A. I mean don't get me wrong that does look pretty cool but I don't regret putting all the dots on Slumber Fun. It makes me seem more pro-like (Get it? Check out the first conference HERE)

Reacting time!

So it all start with Chloe in the car admiring how pretty Lily's giant beach house mansion is. And guess what Wendy who was 14 at the time is legal enough to drive a car. AMAZING STORY BY ME. So then Chloe gets out of the car where Emmy and LELLAY are chilling at the porch slurping Emma's iconic orange juice.

Then they gave Chloe some orange juice too and then head over inside. Chloe was all like "This place is so cool!" and I dunno why but it sounds strange to hear Chloe compliment. Is Chloe starting to become a Brittany Garza? Confusing...

And then they head upstairs where they will be having the slumber party, in a cleared out dining area space because, who eats inside when they can just do it in the beach?
Chloe then notices a candy station which apparently is locked and Emma seems to be not really EXCITED about the candy (Just wait later on in the post 😏)

While Lily asks her dad for the keys to the balcony, Chloe and Emma gossiped about hearing Jordyn and Taylor saying that the mansion has a chocolate, cheese and mixed berries fountain which is weird because what- they're suddenly rich people now? I mean, that is my 2021 goal on what I want Emmy, Chlo and LELLAY to be, rich peeps because I feel like all Cali kids are rich. Are they?

Anyways, Lily got the keys and takes Emma and Chloe to have a snack first so they drank OREO MILKSHAKES and not BUBBLESHAKES down at the porch downstairs by the beach looking towards the beautiful ocean. And Lily talked about her dad being 'charged up' which at the time until now I have no idea what it means. It was a Hilary Duff quote so I thought I'd just put it inπŸ˜‰

And then just like yesterday, Chloe said THANK YOU for planning out the vacation... Cheesy...

After that, the girls literally ditched their original plan which is to go to the porch outside on the second floor and instead visited the cotton candy room which use to be a LIBRARY that they didn't use anymore. Here is what Lily said:
"It is pretty cool. This use to be a library that we didn’t really needed. So my dad said that since I’m an only child. I get to make it whatever I want it to be – so I picked a cotton candy room! Cool right?"

Like - was Lily the big sweet tooth at the time that she ditched a LIBRARY for a COTTON CANDY ROOM. And she legit chose that HERSELF!!!

(By the way, Nick Jonas' birthday is sooooooooooooo close😊)

And then it's suddenly lunch time so quickly and Lily's dad made them lunch: “Grilled fish with the Jake Illinois secret sauce. Here, have a try.” and so they had Emma's orange juice for the drink. The girls prepped the table and Emma made her homemade orange juice.

And then skippidy-skippidy-skip, it's now 4 o'clock in the evening and the girls are styling each others hairs like they're about to attend a child under 12 MET Gala.

Emma complained Lily's donkey-style braid and then Lily said that the beach is the best at 4 o'clock like nobody in the world knows that so they head to the beach to do stuff:

  • Lily and Chloe went paddleboarding
  • And Emma wanted to just stay dry and build a sand castle
That sounds like an error, why would Lily be paddleboarding and why would Emma want to just 'stay dry'? Paddle boarding is an ~Emma~ thing to do, why skip it Emmy?

So after all the beach activity, they were at the deck sipping coconut water when Chloe asks what Lily's dad is making. Lily said he's making noodle pizza and Emma said: “Yummy… Noodle pizza and lemonade…” Said Emma “Have I mention that pizza’s my favorite food?”

That weirdo is acting like she HATES BUBBLEGUM... In fact, I don't think Emma was obsessed or liking any gum at the time. *weird karina noises*

And then Lily replied with: "Yeah, like a billion times since we've met" which sounds like a reply to Emma asking Chlo and LELLAY if they know she likes bubblegum since she was 2.

And then this happened:

“You know, I’m so glad we founded each other. I’m imagine life without paddle boarding with you, Lily. And I’m imagining life without helping Emma make her orange juice.” Said Chloe.

“I’m so glad to have friends like you guys, true friends that are always there for me.” Said Lily.

Chloe and Lily looked at Emma. “What? Is it my turn to say wise friendship words?” She said. They all laughed.

As time passes, Chloe, Emma and Lily enjoy another meal at the beach. The 3 Best Friend forever can’t wait to spend another day like this the next day, new activities, new games and new meals for the whole 2 week slumber party.

Karina reading that line: I'm diseased, I'm dying and I am dead...

As as you can see, that is the end of the story with some WISE FRIENDSHIP WORDS. Enjoy whatever you're not enjoying and I'll see you whenever I'll be seeing you. BYEEE!!!


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