My Independence Day Poem (Indonesia Ver)

Is it just a coincidence that Emma's birthday is right before Indonesia's Independence day? How cool is that!

Also, Emma's Birthday Bash is gonna be uploaded to T3BFF blog at 8 AM!

👉 Check out T3BFF Blog HERE

Anyways, my school task today is to make a poem (In Bahasa of course) about Indonesia's Independence day. So here is what I've came up with:

Puisi Kemerdekaan Indonesia 
by - Kay

Ayo Bangasaku!
Tak usah risau pada Corona
Karena kita melawan bersama
Untuk merayakan Indonesia Merdeka
Dengan sehat meski dirumah saja

Para dokter tengah berperang
Pasiennya sedang berjuang
Pemerintah sedang menghadang
Dan kita wajib patuh pada protokol kesehatan

By: Me, Kay.

So how did you like the poem? If you have any feedback about it then please tell it to me because I need more ideas.

In the mean time, go get Emma the unicorn and I'll see you next time!

Happy Independence Day! 😉🎉🎊🔴⚪

Xo Karina 😺


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