more Emma's birthday bash sneak peeks!
Emma is turning 12 years old soon so get ready with your unicorn because she wants a unicorn + a unicorn stable in her backyard for her birthday.
I'll be publishing Emma's Birthday Bash on August 16 at 8 am
Enough from the birthday announcement and intro, let's talk more about sneak-peeks shall we... I mean, it's only 6 days away and I already have the story scheduled to be published on August 16th so here are some sneak peeks.
What will Emma be wearing?
It's a small little short dress. I have a vision of it in my head with the motifs and what mainly inspired me for the dress is a little, okay, VERY surprising for some that I don't know out there.
Some of of you probably know I like MINECRAFT. And maybe some of you have been thinking that I like HERMITCRAFT and before any other Hermitcraft fans started theorizing, no, Emma will not be a potato.
If you don't know what I mean, just watch the first, second and third episode of Hermitcraft on Mumbo Jumbo's YouTube channel.
I won't be telling you exactly what her dress is like because that will be way too easy so here are 3 emojis to describe the dress: 🍍👗🥥
Is that too easy?
What's the cake???
3 words to describe that question is: IT'S NOT BUBBLEGUM. No, for real it's not bubblegum for a reason that Emma has the Bubblegum Butter Stick so it'll only be fair that her birthday cake isn't another sweet tooth food.
👉 click HERE for the recipe that inspired me for Emma's birthday cake.
What are the 3 emojis to describe Emma's birthday cake?
Have I made this one a little too obvious?
Is Isabella Perez and Harper Brown invited?
Come on! Those are the North LA Enterprise Academy kiddos and Emma hates them and calls them WEIRDOS because to be honest, they are somewhat weirdos too.
And Emma only wants Chloe, Lily, Dylan, Zack and other close family or neighbors in the town not the Costa Rica and Chicago kids!
Do I need to describe the 3 emojis to describe this? I don't think so because why would Emma invite those two to her birthday bash?
So, thanks for the little reading and sneak peek session of this cute little blog post and I'll be seeing you, actually I don't know when I'll be seeing you but I surely WILL be seeing you! BYE!
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