tomorrow is sunday!!!
As a classic 11-year old who hates school, I 💝 Sundays. I don't see why you should hate Sundays.
Today is Saturday and I just finished submitting all my tasks to my school and now I have a new minecraft survival world I play together with my sister and now I have extra time for this blog, T3BFF blog and watching TV without worrying stuff!
Let me just write down my next week hopes:
- Be less lazy on school
- Be smarter
- Pay more attention to course
So, what do I wanna do for tomorrow Sunday???
- What I clearly wanna do is have a nice breakfast, head upstairs to write some things in one of my blog (or both!) and do my daily research routine which is: checking Nick Jonas' twitter, Seeing Joe Jonas' blue hair and check out Jasmine Roth's blog which is one of the blogs that inspires me to do this second blog!
- Then I'd be doing some stories and writing in the blog while probably watching the Olympic Dreams featuring the Jonas Brothers (Can you tell how much I like these guys now?)
- After a while, I'd get bored, put my laptop on sleep and head downstairs to do random stuffs. Usually watching TV or just chilling at my bedroom doing nothing but stare at the ceiling while the fan is on.
- Then after getting bored, I'd come up with this incredible idea for Emma, Chloe and Lily and head back upstairs to make it a reality in no time! (I'm a fast writer)
- Then it will be lunch time and I would be watching Mumbo Jumbo or other hermits on the TV. I usually watch redstone videos though I still can't do redstone (Um, I can make a super-smelter?)
- What's next after watching someone play minecraft? Play minecraft of course! It won't last long since my laptop would already be heating up but I usually play around in my survival world or wacky-redstone testing world
- Now is pretty unpredictable but maybe taking some Buzzfeed quizzes? This is my favorite Buzzfeed quiz: Check it out! (I got Joe!)
So. How do YOU like to spend your SUNDAY?
Xo Karina 🎢 (I'm sorry, Rollercoaster is a Jonas Brothers song)
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