School. T3BFF. The Kay Blog. Course.
This blog is about my life having 2 blogs, having school, having a course I'm 'meh' with it and being extremely lazy.
For school task I have a rule: I must only have 2 un-done tasks for 1 week of studying
Yes. I have lots of un-done task I do in the last minute of the day I must submit all of my assignments.
These are the things I do in a normal day:
- Eat
- Sleep
- Go to school
- Do the task
- Go to course (If I have one on the day)
- Write the blog
- Read news about my favorite artist
- Play minecraft (sometimes)
- Watch TV
For school I usually go from 8 am - 12 am but now, on Tuesday where I have lots of taking notes and a drawing task, I think it'll be longer...
For a special day in a week (Wednesday in this week) I would have a ZOOM class with my friends. Last week on Friday our ZOOM class subject is Math and Science. Today on Wed 28th July it's gonna be Math and Social Science.
My July 27th subjects:
- Science (Drawing a flower and naming the parts of the flower)
- Balinese Language (Taking notes and answering 13 questions)
- English (Notes only)
Well. My English and Balinese task and notes are done. My next course is on Thursday, a blog story is due today a 12 pm, I have to make my science task due in Saturday and The Kay Blog.
Hey! I'm Chloe Drummond from The 3 Best Friends Forever Blog and man Karina has been up to some stuff lately! She has two blogs! Keep it up, Karina!